
Tokenomics for NFT Collection and Rewards Token $cGOLD

NFT Tokenomics+Staking

What if we staked every crook that goes unsold. In a sense Locking up the Crooks. Maybe for a set amount of Time, maybe they do life lol. Who knows. This will add tremendous value to the collection and the Reward Token. All unsold Crooks are staked as a backing for the rewards token to which liquidity is being added to with every royalty sale! It's the perfect Scheme.

An NFT Backed Play-To-Earn Rewards Token. $cGOLD

Deflationary Tokenomics Our token is currently minted with every NFT that is being staked automatically with no supply cap at the moment. This may be changed in the Future as we determine and experiment with Tokenomics.

Furthermore Staking $cGOLD gives you ACCESS to certain benefits and also yields our next token which shall be used for Governance.

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