⌚2023 - W2E

Watch-To-Earn Platform Roadmap

Roadmap for a Watch-To-Earn Platform for an NFT Ecosystem:

Stage 1: Retrieve video information from the YouTube API

  • Use the YouTube API to retrieve information about the videos on your channel

  • Retrieve information like video ID, title, and length of the video

Stage 2: Store video information on the blockchain

  • Store video information on the blockchain using a smart contract

  • The smart contract will also keep track of user activity, specifically which users have watched which videos and for how long

Stage 3: Track user activity

  • Track user activity using JavaScript

  • Specifically track when users start and stop watching a video

Stage 4: Update the smart contract

  • When a user finishes watching a video, call a function on the smart contract

  • The amount of reward depends on the length of the video and other contract parameters

Stage 5: Verify the transaction

  • Verify that the transaction is successful

  • Ensure the user's balance of the token is updated

Last updated