πŸ’±Crooks NFT Conversions

Special Event

Convert Your Crook NFTs to Lithopane for 3D Printing and other uses. Available for a limited Time Only.

Must hold 10 or more Crook NFTs to claim a Conversion. No limits.

Benefits of Anaglyph Stereogram

Anaglyph 3D is the stereoscopic 3D effect achieved by means of encoding each eye's image using filters of different (usually chromatically opposite) colors.

What are Anaglyph Images?

a stereoscopic motion or still picture in which the right component of a composite image usually red in color is superposed on the left component in a contrasting color to produce a three-dimensional effect when viewed through correspondingly colored filters in the form of spectacles.

Benefits of Lithopane:

Lithophanes are a beautiful and unique way to view your favorite images Lithophanes were in various formats from plaques to be hung in windows to candle shields. They were also in fireplace screens, night lights, tea warmers, and match boxes Lithophanes have been used in a variety of applications over the centuries, from simply a plate backlit with a candle, to lanterns, to even the bottoms of beer steins.

Lampshades using Lithopanes

A very functional way to display a lithophane is to make a lampshade. This could be easily done by replacing your current lampshade and printing a new fancy one! Well, it's almost as simple as that. To give you an idea how this could be made, I will lead you through the process of making this lampshade.

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